Christophe E. Jackson PhD, DMA, MSPAS, PA is CEO and Chief Clinical Design Engineer for Gideon Group . Dr. Jackson has his doctorate in Bio-Engineering, Piano Performance and master’s in Surgical Physician Assistant UAB, where he engineered and designed medical devices. After PhD, Jackson received postdoctoral training in Neuroscience at Tulane University. Dr. Jackson has extensive scientific, engineering, design, and clinical training as well as experiences in bridging the gaps between healthcare, engineering, technology, and research. Dr. Jackson has worked and consulted with several top medical tech companies. As a clinician designer engineer, Dr. Jackson brings key-insights, expertise, and experiences from medicine, engineering and design to benefit clients.
Tujuana Moore ris VP of Engineering Operations for Gideon. She received her Bachelors degree in Materials Engineering from of The University of Alabama at Birmingham. Tujuana brings over 10 years experience working with both large and small companies before joining Gideon. Outside of Gideon, Tujuana is a staunch advocate for science, engineering, math and tech amongst young people.
Eric Carwell, is a Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET) with over 20 years of experience working in the field of Biomedical Technology. Ozark, Alabama native has worked and gained valuable experiences, insights from top premier medical institutions around the country from Dale Medical Center to Children’s of Alabama where his stay spanned for over 18 years well spent.